Curse Unravelling
Curse and thought-forms unravelling is a highly effective ceremony that identifies what is holding you back, untangles, and unravels it from its inception.
Although curses can often be referred to in folklore, they are incredibly common and prevalent, significantly influencing our human experience.
Our words and thoughts are powerful. Whether it is consciously or unconsciously, intentional or unintentional, curses can be placed on you in this present lifetime, past life, or ancestrally in your lineage.
The indication of a Curse or possible ill-intention can present itself as compulsive thinking, addictions, feeling of being held back, chronic illness or accidents in the family, and reoccurring ‘bad luck’. It is important to note that these symptoms/patterns can show up for both an individual but also a family. A phrase that often signifies that it is ancestral is “it runs in the family”.
Most commonly, curses are unintentionally placed on us, but nonetheless the harm is done. We too, can place curses on ourselves without even being aware of it.
My work as your practitioner is to diagnose, reach the root of the curse, and unravel + dissolve its presence and influence on you.
1 - 1.5 hr
Soul Retrieval
Soul Retrieval is a powerful, loving, and supportive ceremony offered to reunite fragmented/missing pieces of your soul essence back home to you.
Soul loss can occur at any age when we experience a trauma in which a part of ourselves no longer feels safe to be present in our system. Traumas don’t have to look like big ‘T’ traumas for this to occur. It can happen for many reasons (ie. illness, surgery, accidents, abandonment, abuse, shame etc.).
When soul loss happens, it can lead you to feel numb, empty, depressed, detached, foggy, restless, purposeless, drained etc. Sometimes, we are living with soul loss for such a long period of time, we aren’t even fully aware of the full spectrum of effects it has on us.
During this ceremony, I journey to what’s referred to as non-ordinary realties to retrieve the soul essence(s) and return them back to your wholeness.
This ceremony helps to restore your vital energy, return wholeness, and begin the healing journey.
1 - 1.5 hrs
Karmic Cord Cutting
Karmic contracts with other souls are created in the spiritual realm according to one’s Book of Life and the lessons they have chosen to learn in this lifetime. Many of which show up as intimate relationships in our lives.
This potent ceremony is offered to those who have ended one of these significant relationships. It severs and offers completion to the lesson(s) the relationship brought forward in your life.
The severing opens the space for both people to move forward, reflect on the gifts or lessons learned, and return to the sovereign divine light within.
45 min - 1 hr