
Native to the jungles of South America, Kambô is a sacred spirit medicine derived from the Phyllomedusa Bicolor tree frog. Amazonian tribes have been working with the frog secretion for hundreds of years. In Peru, Kambô is also known as Sapo. To the Matses tribe, where the medicine offered by Soul Nectar is sourced, it is also known as Pow-kiet.

Over the years, it has become known as the ‘vaccine of the rainforest’. Tribes have worked with the medicine to help heal infections, illness, parasites, improve stamina, immunity, strength + focus for hunting. In addition to physical cleansing, Kambô is also used to help purify the body of ‘Panema’ – a negative energy that emerges when we are out of alignment with our true self.

Panema manifests as darkness/heaviness, depression, stagnation, or ‘bad luck’. Panema seeds itself from traumas we’ve experienced (in this lifetime, past lifetimes, or through our ancestral lineages), and emotional blockages which lead one to feel out of touch with nature + themselves. Kambô moves through us as a highly cleansing force against this negative energy, and supports in returning back wholeness and health.

The Ceremony.

It has been my experience, that the medicine begins working with you the moment that you commit to sitting in ceremony. It is not uncommon to experience an energetic/emotional process before sitting with the medicine - often times, bringing to the surface what is being prepared to be met or released. Prior to our time together, you will receive details on how to best prepare for ceremony. Included in preparation, will be setting intentions.

When we meet. You will receive an overview of the medicine and flow of ceremony. We will open space, energetically cleanse, give gratitude to the, medicines and infuse your intentions into the space. You will have the option to sit with the ‘sister medicines’, Sananga (prior to Kambô), and Nunu (after Kambô). Next, we will discuss the placement of your ‘points’ (where the medicine will be applied). Different intentions can have specific placement on the body’s meridians to better target you intentions.

At this time, you will be guided to turn inwards. The sweat on the stick will be moistened. Using the tamishi vine, your ‘gates’ (superficial burns to the skin, so the medicine can go directly into the lymphatic system) will be opened. This can sound more intense than reality. Following the burns, Kambô will be applied.

Once the medicine is applied, you begin to feel it actively moving through your body within 90 seconds. At this this time, your heart rate increases, while your blood pressure decreases.

As the medicine begins working with you, it is common to feel a variety of symptoms such as a rush of heat in the body, pounding in your heart, me sweating, dizziness, and nausea. Often times, a purge will occur. The purge is the elimination process and may include vomiting, excessive urination, a bottom purge (bowel movements), sweating and/or congestion as the medicine works to remove built up toxins in our system. The purge process can look like shaking, crying, laughing, swelling, and burping as your liver is working hard to remove and process the release of toxins in the body. Each participant will have their own unique experience and it has been my observation, that no two experiences are the same. Some will feel more easeful and euphoric, others may be filled with more discomfort. The spirit of the medicine is incredibly intelligent and goes where it needs to go to best support you and where you are at on your healing journey.

 The medicine is then removed and the entire process lasts approximately 15-30 minutes, depending on the participant.

Although the experience is relatively short, you can expect ceremony to be 3-4 hours. This includes setup, opening the space, your journey with medicine, integration time, rest, and light food to ground afterwards.

Throughout ceremony, you will be held and supported both energetically and physically in various ways which we will connect deeper on if this medicine is calling to you. I will never take you deeper than, I myself have not gone with the medicine. It is an incredible purification for the mind, body, and spirit - a warrior’s medicine.

Private Ceremony: $222

Warrior’s Trinity (three ceremonies in one lunar cycle): $555

Group Ceremony: Minimum of two people* $188-$200 per person

**Compensation for travel expenses not included in pricing above**


  • Kambo has supported healing with:

    Depression + Anxiety 


    Autoimmune disease

    Alzheimer’s disease

    Blood circulation

    Candida + intestinal cleansing


    Chronic pain (arthritis, fibromyalgia etc.)


    Emotional/energetic blockages


    Lyme disease


    Mold toxicity


    STDs + HIV symptoms

    Releasing heavy metals + deeply rooted toxins

    And more…

  • Kambo is very safe when served under the supervision of a qualified and experienced practitioner. I have been trained and initiated to serve the medicine safely and with reverence. The medicine I carry is pure and sourced directly from the Matses tribe. It is important to note** there are some contraindications that can prevent a select portion of people from sitting with the medicine**. However, most people are safe to receive it and you will be medically screened beforehand.  

  • Kambo is legal in Canada and most countries in the world (with the exception of Australia).

  • Kambo is very much a physical experience and is not psychoactive. When the medicine is working with your chakras – the third eye and crown chakra can open to receive messages, downloads, guidance, and can bring you into a deeply meditative state. When in these states of heightened clarity and awareness, often times it is with more ease that you can tap into your gifts of clairsenses (clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairalience, clairgustance, claircognizance). However, the medicine itself is not directly responsible for this.

  • Each person and their journey with the medicine is unique. This is typically not a ‘one and done’ medicine. The relationship you have with the medicine and number of ceremonies that would benefit you best, will reflect your intentions for sitting and your mental/emotional/physical health. Kambo is very effective when served in multiple sessions. Like an onion, the medicine is able to peel back layers of energetic blockages, toxins, etc. and work deeper after each session. If you have addictions, chronic health issues, emotional blocks, trauma you’re ready to move through + meet, feeling ‘stuck’, have anxiety/depression, or those who have the intention for a deep detox and purifying of your vessel – sitting multiple times is highly recommended.

  • Yes. In my experience serving others (as well as my own personal experience), receiving the medicine a day prior to sitting with Ayahuasca or bufo is highly beneficial for most. The spirit of Kambo is able to begin clearing your vessel, so that you are able to receive the healing benefits of Ayahuasca/bufo even deeper.

  • Yes. Although each ceremony and each person are different, most people are recovered from their session within an hour (some before). You will know when your body feels ready. Allowing your body to rest + rehydrate will help ease your transition.

  • When choosing to work with the medicine, you are committing to change. With change, comes a stirring up of stagnancy within and a release of what no longer is serving you and your highest good. This release and letting go often manifests in the form of purging. When we think of purging, we often times think of oral purging/vomiting. This is possible – and quite likely with certain methods of sitting with the medicine. As the medicine works through you, the peptides are working in your stomach to release gastric enzymes and create contractions which support in the release of toxins.

    However, it is not always the case. Purge can also manifest in bottom purging (pooping/peeing), laughing, shaking, crying, singing, and sweating. All forms of purging are welcome and are encouraged to been seen through the eyes of love, compassion, and gratitude. Through the purge you are releasing, clearing, cleansing, healing, recalibrating, and transmuting and creating space for what you are ready to welcome home. Gracias medicina.

  • Most people served, wear their scars proudly - like a badge of honour. They are warrior scars and reminders of the strength, power, and healing you have had from sitting with the medicine. The burns can heal in 6 months to a year but, vary person to person based on your skin complexation, how you heal, and your post-ceremony care. Dragon’s blood – a powerful natural plant resin and excellent wound healer, is applied after the medicine is taken off to support healing and prevent infection. 

  • Typical ceremony lasts approximately 3 hours. However, the effects of the medicine typically only last about 20 minutes. Ceremony includes opening with the directions, intention setting, smudging, optional sitting with the sister medicines (rapeh + sananga), sound/vibrational healing, food + integration, and closing incantation.

  • Once the medicine is removed, most people relax into a deep rest/meditation for approximately 15-30 minutes.  As you begin to integrate, many people begin to feel very empowered after their experience.


    After-effects can vary based on your intention for ceremony, health, the number of treatments, and the depth you go in ceremony. It is common in my experience of serving, to feel an increase in energy immediately following ceremony (especially for men). Other common experiences are: an elevated mood/feeling ‘lighter, reduced stress, a decrease in pain, more stamina, clearer mind, deeper sleep, feeling in flow and connected to the divine and life.


    Although there are many positive feelings that you can experience, it’s not uncommon to feel sluggish and raw after your ceremony. The medicine is still working with you. Feeling lethargic after the first few sittings is quite common. Sometimes you may also feel aches + pains in the body, insomnia, and irritated digestion. It is a sign that kambo is releasing toxins in the body and should not last longer than 7 days (rare to last this long), but still possible.

  • Once committed to ceremony, you will receive a detailed preparation package to guide you.

  • Bradykinin: Helps in fighting infection and healing injuries. It is involved in your body’s inflammatory response.

    Cerulean: During a cleanse, this peptide is responsible for increasing your heart rate, vomiting, facial flash, swelling, sweating and bowel movement. Cerulean has an analgesic effect for pain relief in the central nervous system.

    Tachykinins: this peptide can act as a natural pain reliver. It is involved in the regulation of gastrointestinal motility, supporting digestive health.

     Sauvagine: stimulates the adrenal cortex which contributes to heightened sensory perception and stamina. It is involved in stress, anxiety, depression, and addictive behavior

    Phyllomedusin: A neuropeptide which strongly affects intestines, salivary glands and bowels helping to flush deep toxins.

    Phyllokinin: Produces a long-lasting reduction in blood pressure. It helps widen the blood vessels, increasing permeability of the blood-brain barrier. (Increases the rate and flow of a layer of specialized cells around the brain that protects it)

    Phyllocaerulein: A natural pain killer that reduces blood pressure, modifies fulfilment, helps with sedation and thermoregulation (regulation of body temperature). Stimulates the pituitary gland and the adrenal cortex conducive of heightened sensory perception and increased stamina.

    Phyllolitorin: A neuropeptide that stimulates gastric acid secretion and smooth muscle contraction.

    Dermorphin: A neuropeptide that produces a powerful opiate-like effects on certain Opioid receptors. It has been know to be up to 40 x more potent than morphine.

    Tryptophyllins: A neuropeptide that has anti-microbial properties which have been found to inhibit the growth of yeast Candida Albicans, Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli.

    Deltorphin: A heptapeptide that binds to the opioid receptors. Currently being researched for its ability to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumor cells.

    Dermaseptin & Adenoreguli (B2): Anti-microbial peptides that exhibit lethal effects against a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, yeasts and protozoa. There is growing research on the effectiveness of these peptides killing certain cancer cells. The effects that these peptides are having on the human brain are opening treatments for depression, stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

  • The sweat secretion is collected from live frogs. Frogs are called by a member of the tribe, who then ties it up by the wrists and ankles for a very short period of time (usually seconds). Once the medicine is collected, the frogs are released back into the jungle. It is not uncommon that frogs are marked so that they are only harvested from once. Harvesting from the frog does not harm physically harm the frog.

    **With the growing popularity of Kambo, it is important to know where the medicine you are sitting with is coming from - both, for your safety and to be sure it is ethically harvested**

    This medicine is ethically harvested by the Matses tribe. Travelling directly from the jungle to us.

**This website is not intended to and does not provide medical advice. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this website is for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada*