Earth Medicines.
Rapéh . Sanaga . Cacao. Bobinsana
Rapé (pronounced ‘ra-peh’ or ‘ha-peh’), is a sacred Amazonian tobacco snuff or ‘healing powder’ used, created by, and honoured by tribes in ritual across all regions.
The primary tobacco used in most blends is known as Mapacho (N. Rustica), a much more potent tobacco than that which is harvested and circulated here in North America (N. Tabacum). Mapacho is deeply connected to the plant world and is felt as a masculine, ‘Grandfather’ spirit medicine. In addition to tobacco, tribes include the ashes of other medicinal plants/trees, seeds, flowers and bark into the blends.
During ceremony, we take our time to set intentions, infuse them into the medicine, and share our gratitude to the hands + hearts that brought the medicine to us to work with and learn from.
The blend(s) are chosen intuitively (either by you, or myself guided by your intentions), and blown into each nostril aiming towards the pineal region, using a traditional pipe know as a Tepi. *pictured above*
Each person’s experience with the medicine is unique. However, common experiences include:
~Initial rush in the pineal gland/head, which can bring temporary discomfort
~Tingling, release of tears, mucus, saliva, nausea (typically the more your can surrender, the more easeful it is to navigate this initial reaction)
~ A deep feeling of grounding and opening of energetic channels
~Clearing the auric field/releasing stagnant energy
~Brings you into a meditative state
~Feeling of peace and calm, connectedness to all that is
~Realignment with your spirit/higher self
~Clearing of mucus, toxins, bacteria
~Supports immune system, bowel movements + circulation
Utilizing your breath and sitting in stillness as you connect with your intention is important in order to receive the full benefits of Rapé.
Throughout ceremony, you will be supported physically + energetically as you connect with the medicine.
A second serving is optional to allow a deepening in your intentions and experience with Rapé.
Once complete, oracle card pulling, offering of tobacco to the land, and the opportunity to share your experience as you rest/integrate will be included
Duration: 1-2 hrs
Exchange: $111 - $155 (sliding scale)
Sananga is an Amazonian eye drop that traditionally has been used by tribes for both its spiritual and physical healing benefits. It is created by extracting the juice from roots of the flowering shrub known as Tabernaemontana sananho.
The spirit of Sananga is a powerful energetic cleanser. Tribes have used it for cleansing ‘Panemas’ (spiritual diseases) and also for strengthening their vision for hunting.
Energetically and with intention, Sananga supports us to open and tune into our third eye…our inner vision. Allowing us to see through illusions, connect to our innate knowing, reset our energetic field, and dial into deeper clarity + focus, so that we can release old patterns and create space for recalibration.
Physically, this plant ally has had a history in treating eye/ocular conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, near/farsightedness, astigmatism, and in some cases blindness.
Ceremony will include and optional sound healing or Rapéh ceremony to ground and integrate the experience.
*individual results vary*
Duration: 1 - 1.5 hrs
Exchange: $111 - $144
This beautiful medicine has been revered and served in ceremony for thousands of years. In addition to many health benefits, it holds a unmistakable heart-opening vibration ~ helping us to lean into softness, sweet surrender, and the medicine of our heart space.
If you are feeling in need of nurturing, time + space to simply be, blocked from your emotions, or yearning for heart healing, this ceremony is for you.
We will set intentions, honour the medicine, and take time and space to lean into the beauty + gifts that cacao has to share.
Included in the ceremony is an optional sound healing or Rapéh ceremony to integrate the experience.
Duration: 1-2 hrs
Exchange: $111 - $144
Served in ceremony as a tea, Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia), is a incredible master plant teacher native to the Amazon. The medicine offered to you, has travelled from Peru.
Bobinsana has a beautiful feminine spirit that connects us deeply to our hearts, lucid dreaming, and inner waters (emotions).
Harvested from the bark, flowers, roots and leaves of the tree, this medicine is deeply revered in Amazon.
Physically, it brings warmth to the body. It is an excellent immune booster and supportive for many ailments such as arthritis.
The tree grows with a taproot that shoots deep down into the earth, reaching seven times the depth of its highest point. It holds the qualities of being both deeply anchoring yet, flexible.
This reveals some of the medicine of this plant ally, she is strong, yet soft. She helps us to exist in an energy of personal sovereignty, yet flexible to the winds of change around us. Teaching us to lead from an open heart + compassion - first for ourselves.
Ceremony with this tea is prepared in deep reverence and respect to this potent, yet gentle medicine.
We will share intentions and your heart’s desires as well as enhance/integrate the medicine with a vibrational sound healing.
If you are feeling that you are stuck in an emotional loop, or feeling ‘bottled up’ and wishing to connect to empathy + the feminine energy of the earth - this medicine may be for you.
Disclaimer- Bobinsana has traditionally used as a contraceptive. Those seeking to become pregnant or are pregnant, should avoid this ceremony. Please disclose If you are taking pharmaceutical drugs or have a medical condition prior to ceremony.
Duration: 1-2 hrs
Exchange: $111 - $144
(Rapeh + Sananga)
This offering is a weaving of two potent sacred Amazonian medicines, Sananga and Rapeh. Both of these medicines are powerful on their own and when infused in ceremony together, they can ignite great initiations, clarity, release, and energetic shifts. Together, these medicines carry the energy of fire and earth.
Each ceremony is guided by the intention of those receiving. Sacred space is opened as we smudge using earth medicines to cleanse the energetic body and shed what we may be carrying that is not supportive of our highest good. We honour the directions, the medicines, and ask for their wisdom.
We begin by receiving Sananga. Releasing and opening the chakras. Surrendering to what is and the Great Mystery of life. Through your breath, allowing the medicine to move through you. Clearing stagnant energy. Allowing you to SEE with more clarity. Opening your vision to receive the eagle’s perspective, so that you may fly wing to wing with Great Spirit – releasing limiting beliefs, self-talk, and lenses that may be trapping the mind, or binding you to illusions.
After receiving Sananga, we will gently transition to sitting with Grandfather Mapacho. Rapeh blends will be available for you to intuitively choose. We begin with prayer, infusing your intention into the medicine, connecting to our hearts and sitting in stillness as the plant teachers work through you, grounding, clearing, purifying, and opening.
Song, sound, and other protective and supportive shamanic tools will be available and integrated into ceremony, as needed.
To close, light fruits and fresh, local spring water will be provided. It is encouraged to bring a journal and record any insights from ceremony. We will have an optional sharing circle and close ceremony space by offering gratitude to the directions, medicines, and divine support that shared in ceremony.
Duration: 1-2 hrs
Exchange: $155
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