What led me here…
Ever feel like you didn’t fit into this world? Since my early years, I never felt that I belonged. Deep spiritual experiences unfolded which led me to feel isolated and alone. I believed that it was safest to shy away from embracing what I now recognize as my divine gifts in order to survive and blend in.
Over the years, I learned to become a chameleon (as most of us do), wearing many hats. By the time my early twenties hit, I learned that doing so came with an expiry date.
It numbly sustained me until my soul screamed for more. She was longing to be fed in ways that were far from the mundane. My womb + heart spoke loud. She wanted to remember, to heal, to restore, rewild and reclaim. It wasn’t just about me anymore - something within my being knew it was for something much greater.
Plant medicines, story medicine from wise Grandmothers, and shamanic teachers magickally wove into my life. Having always seen myself as a child of the earth, I hold great reverence + respect for these wise teachers and wisdoms keepers.
Ayahuasca medicine called first. Over the years, as my relationship grew with her - others came. They kept finding their way to me, each one intimidated me and was a reminder that I had more work to do - realizing that I’m a forever student. It wasn’t about ‘love and light’, I was called to dive into the shadows and learn how to navigate the dark nooks and crannies with compassion, gentleness and fierce love. This is the medicine of the Jaguar.
The deeper I dove, the more devoted I became. Life experiences tested my strength and called forth my integrity. These experiences brought me to my knees and taught me gratitude. They reminded me that where there is death, there is room for seeds to sow in the darkness to be reborn into our purpose and power.
I leaned in. But, I would be lying if there weren’t times that it felt like too much. Too heavy. More than I signed up for. Those were some of my greatest initiations.
Many things have led me here to where I am today, just as they have led you to this moment.
My commitment to you, is to be the person that I needed. The safe space to simply be. To witness you in your vulnerability. To see you - not a version of you, just you. To help you see yourself, your gifts, and the medicine you are here to share. To accept and welcome all parts of you. To navigate with you. To be a mirror as you stand in your power. Speak your truth. Shed old skins. Reclaim. And choose to return to your heart, leading with love + compassion - first for yourself.
I believe…
That smaller is bigger.
It is time to s l o w and return to the pulse of the earth.
Integration and embodiment is integral.
The body speaks and we must listen.
And that each layer we tenderly peel back leads us back home to our wholeness.
I’m here to serve, witness, dance, sing, cry, and be with you as you heal yourself and soak in the sweet nectar of life.