Shamanic Womb Journey
We hold our greatest power and remembrance in our womb space. She is potent medicine and offers much wisdom when we are in connection with her.
However, through our experiences in life and external messaging, we are often deeply disconnected from our womb, yoni, pleasure, sensuality, intuition, menstruation, the earth’s cycles, and feminine power. Instead, we are often filled with shame, numbing, pain, and in dis-harmony with our natural rhythms.
Shamanic womb ceremony is a reconnection. A intimate journey with yourself, opening the space to connect with your womb and her wisdom. Each ceremony is unique to you and one of self empowerment.
The flow of ceremony:
Intention setting
Learn how to shamanic journey
Journey to your womb space with compassionate helping spirits
Receive messages, insights, and divine support in relation to your intention.
Once complete ~ rest, tea, and time + space to share your experience will be available.
45 min - 1 hr
Mother's Blessing
A Mother’s Blessing, is a ceremony offered to an expecting mother as a celebration + honouring of her journey and transition into motherhood.
During ceremony, a gathering of her closest family and friends join in circle to witness, support, and pour love + intention into her and her journey.
Rather than being baby-centered, this ceremony is mother-centered. Words of wisdom, empowerment, blessings, and story-medicine are offered to support her as she prepares for postpartum and birth.
For centuries, women have gathered together. Not just for pregnancy and birth, but for all rites of passage in a woman’s life. It was deeply woven into community, passed down through generations, and cultures. Over time, this has largely been lost in the Western world.
In First Nations tradition, (Dine Navajo) a ceremony called Blessingway was created which offered a gathering of women and circle of support for the expecting mother to bless her way ahead. These were the women she would be woven with as she entered motherhood and navigated the waves of the journey. Her layers of support offering safety, love, and compassion.
Each ceremony offers rituals to honour the mama to be. These can include:
-pampering/adorning the mama to be (floral crowns, belly painting/henna)
-belly/foot/body massage
-mala bracelet intention setting
-written letters of support/intention
- Red string ceremony ~ weaving a web of yarn bracelets to symbolize individuality yet interconnectedness between each other + symbolizing umbilical cord of baby to mom
- nourishing food + meal prep
- creating intentional birth affirmation cards
- birth candle
Each ceremony is unique for the mama to be. Not only does it bring community together to honour her, but it also offers a beautiful web of support, energetic protection, and strength for the expecting mama as she journeys into the birth portal/her birth dance and beyond.
4 hrs
**Please connect for more details**
Closing of the Bones Ceremony
For centuries, the transition from maiden to mother was one that was held with sacredness and reverence. Women gathered together to not only support but, witness a woman as she transitioned from maiden to mother. It is a powerful rite of passage.
Pregnancy, marking the ending of maidenhood. Birth, representing the transition. And postpartum, the integration phase.
In our culture today, where so much emphasis is on the baby, we are forgetting that through birth, it is not only a baby that is born, so to is the mother.
During pregnancy, our physical and energetic body opens + expands immensely to allow new life to be grown, nurtured, and brought into this physical dimension.
In traditional postpartum care traditions, the intention is to support a mother in ‘closing up’ and returning all parts of herself back into her body both physiologically (Helping to close the pelvis, abdominal muscles and Fascia), and energetically.
One of the ways this is facilitated is through a ‘Closing of the Bones’, ceremony. Most commonly it is known as a Mexican and Guatemalan tradition (Maya K’iche peoples), where women gather to close up a mother physically, spiritually and emotionally in her postpartum.
However, the tradition is cross-cultural and has been used in various cultures with their own name for it. For example, in Russia it translates to the ‘Seven Locks’, or in Morocco, ‘the Pulling’. @cosmicmamamedicine
Typically it is offered several times within the first 6 weeks postpartum, but it can be done as many times and whenever the mother feels ready. Energy is quantum and this could look like sooner than 6 weeks, or months/years later.
Ceremony is set with prayer/intention and the mother is invited to rest in a beautiful space. Laying down, the mother slowly begins to draw her energy inwards as rebozos or cloths are used to hold + wrap the mother snugly, beginning with the head and ending with the feet. It is intuitively led, what comes through for the facilitator + mother is part of the unique medicine of each ceremony.
To complete, the mother is unwrapped and witnessed for her journey. She is witnessed as mother.
Sharing stories of pregnancy + birth experience, intentions for ceremony, song, essential oil massage, smoke medicine, channelling, drumming, sound healing, and nourishing tea, are threads that are woven together to create this nourishing offering.
Women who have carried life in their wombs but, may have experienced loss or chosen an abortion, or women who have had their womb removed, can also receive and benefit from the healing that this ceremony offers on an energetic level.
3 hrs
**Please connect for more details**